Rafah crossing

Oct. 18, 2023

Recently, the area of the Rafah Border Crossing has been reportedly hit by a military strike.

About Rafah Crossing:

  • The crossing is at the south end of the Gaza Strip, a narrow slither of land that is home to 2.3 million people.
  • It is wedged between Israel, Egypt, and the Mediterranean Sea.
  • The crossing is controlled by Egypt.
  • It is the only likely route for humanitarian aid to enter Gaza via Rafah from Egypt's Sinai Peninsula region.
  • There are only two other border crossings: Erez, a border crossing with Israel in north Gaza, and Kerem Shalom, a commercial crossing between Israel and Southern Gaza.

Key facts about Sinai Peninsula

  • It is a triangle-shaped peninsula located in northeastern Egypt.
  • It serves as a land bridge connecting Asia and Africa.
  • Boundaries:
    • It is bordered to the north by the Mediterranean Sea and to the east by Israel and the Gaza Strip. 
    • To the west of the Sinai Peninsula is the Suez Canal, across which lies the African part of Egypt. 
    • It is bordered to the southwest by the Gulf of Suez and to the immediate south by the Red Sea. 
    • The Gulf of Aqaba borders the Sinai in the southeast.
    • Egypt shares maritime borders in the Sinai with Jordan and Saudi Arabia.