The entire month of September 2019 is being celebrated as the Rashtriya Poshan Maah. This year the theme is Complementary Feeding.
Prime Minister's Overreaching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment - POSHAN Abhiyaan is a multi- ministerial convergence mission with the vision to address malnutrition with a targeted approach by 2022.
Poshan Maah is an initiative of Ministry of Women and Child Development and NITI Aayog to give a push to Poshan Abhiyan.
During Poshan Maah, activities like Prabhat Pheri, Poshan Melas, Nukkad Nataks, School Based Events will be held to take the message of importance of nutrition to every household.
It focuses on 8 themes: (1) Antenatal Care, (2) Optimal Breastfeeding, (3) Complementary Feeding, (4) Anaemia, (5) Growth Monitoring, (6) Girls-education, diet, right age of Marriage, (7) Hygiene & Sanitation, (8) Food Fortification.
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