May 2, 2019

The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, in its 2019 report has said that there is an “overall deterioration of religious freedom conditions in 2018” in India.

Comments on India: 

  • According to the Commission, India continues to remain a Tier 2 country, a list it has been unable to get off of since 2009. 

  • In India, religious freedom is declining, apart from increased securitisation and politicisation of religion. 

  • it is increasingly difficult to separate religion and politics, a tactic that is sometimes intentional by those who seek to discriminate against certain religious communities. 

  • Conditions for minorities have deteriorated over the last decade due to the extremist groups, anti-conversion laws, cow-protection lynch mobs, concerns that millions from Assam will be incorrectly left out of the NRC and a denying international NGOs registration. 

  • Tenzin Dorjee, Commission Chairperson gave a dissenting view and argued that India is an open society with a robust democratic and judiciary system where religious harmony exists. 

  • There were “positive developments”. E.g. communal attacks dropped by 12 % in 2018 from their 2017 levels, an 12% increase in the budget of the Ministry of Minority Affairs and the Supreme Court’s push for a 11-point plan to counter mob violence. 

Source : The Hindu

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