Rule of Law Index 2022

Nov. 13, 2022

The report is a compilation of the 'rule of law' status across 140 countries worldwide.


  • It was released by an international civil society organisation, World Justice Project (WJP).
  • According to the report, the rule of law has declined globally for the fifth consecutive year.
  • It says that the checks on executive power are weakening, and respect for human rights is falling.

Top and bottom performers:

  • The top-ranked country in the WJP Rule of Law Index 2022 is Denmark, followed by Norway (2), Finland (3), Sweden (4), and the Netherlands (5).
  • The bottom ranked countries are Venezuela (140), Cambodia (139), Afghanistan (138), the Democratic Republic of Congo (137), and Haiti (136).


  • India has been ranked 77 out of 140 countries with a score of50 on the 'rule of law index'.
  • Globally, India ranks 94 out of 140 as far as adherence to fundamental rights are concerned, 111 out of 140 in civil justice, 89 out of 140 in criminal justice and 93 out of 140 in absence of corruption.

Neighbouring countries:

  • Bangladesh scored 0.39 in the 127th rank, Pakistan settled with a 0.39 score at the 129th rank, and China scored 0.47 in the 95th rank.
  • Notably, Nepal has performed better than its neighbours, with a 0.52 score and 69th rank.


  • The index is prepared by examining these four principles through eight factors- constraints on government powers, absence of corruption, open government, fundamental rights, order and security, regulatory enforcement, civil justice, and criminal justice.

Rule of Law:

  • The World Justice Project defines the rule of law as a durable system of laws, institutions, norms, and community commitment that delivers: accountability, just laws, open government, and accessible justice.

World Justice Project (WJP):

  • The World Justice Project (WJP) is an independent, multidisciplinary organization working create knowledge, build awareness, and stimulate action to advance the rule of law worldwide.
  • It was founded by William H. Neukom in 2006 as a presidential initiative of the American Bar Association (ABA).

Law and Order Index of 2022:

  • The survey was conducted by a global analytics firm called Gallup.
  • India has scored 80 points and has secured the 60th rank on the index that ranges from one to 100, a higher score indicating that more people feel secure in a country.
  • It has declared East Asia as the most secure region in the world and Taliban-occupied Afghanistan as the least secured country for the third year.
  • The first survey conducted by the firm was in 1938 in the United Kingdom.
  • The survey evaluated around 120 countries based on the safety and security of the country's citizens.

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