The Nation is remembering Revolutionary Sachindra Nath Sanyal on his 80th death anniversary.
He was the founder of the Hindustan Republican Association also known as Hindustan Socialist Republican Association. It was created to carry out armed resistance against the British Empire in India.
Sachindra Nath Sanyal was a mentor for revolutionaries like Chandrasekhar Azad and Bhagat Singh.
He along with Rashbehari Bose attacked Viceroy Hardinge and injured him while he was entering new capital of Delhi.
Sanyal was closely involved in the plans for the Ghadar Conspiracy. He was sentenced to life for his involvement in the conspiracy and was imprisoned at Cellular Jail.
He was also jailed by the British for his involvement in Kakori Conspiracy.
Sachindra Nath Sanyal passed away in Gorakhpur Jail on 7th February 1942.
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