Sambhar Lake

Oct. 28, 2024

Over 40 migratory birds, belonging to two to three different species, have been found dead around Sambhar Lake in Jaipur district recently, prompting concerns among the officials.

About Sambhar Lake:

  • It is the largest saltwater lake in India
  • It is located in the districts of Nagaur and Jaipur in Rajasthan.
  • This saline wetland is elliptical in shape, with a length of 35.5 km and a breadth varying between 3 km and 11 km.
  • It covers an area in excess of 200, surrounded on all sides by the Aravalli hills.
  • The water from two major ephemeral streams, namely Mendha and Runpangarh, along with numerous rivulets and surface runoff feed the lake.
  • It was designated as a Ramsar site in the year 1990.
  • Several migrating birds visit the waterbody during the winter. 
    • Along with Phulera and Deedwana, the wetland is the most important wintering area for flamingoes (both Phoniconaias minor and Phoenicopterus roseus) in India outside the Rann of Kachchh.
    • The other winged visitors to the area include pelicans, common shelduck, red shank, and common sandpiper, black-winged stilt, Kentish plover, and Ringed plover, Ruff, and Sociable lapwing
  • Sambhar Lake produces 2,10,000 tonnes of salt each year, placing Rajasthan among the top three salt-producing states of India.