Santa Fe frog

July 7, 2023

Recently, Argentinian scientists have discovered a rather unusual frog named the Santa Fe frog

About Santa Fe frog:

  • Scientific Name: Leptodactylus laticeps
  • It is an extremely rare species found only in South American countries namely Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay.
  • Threat: The frog is under threat as its habitat the Dry Chaco is cut down.
  • Conservation status
    • IUCN: Near Threatened

Key Facts about Grana Chaco

  • It is lowland alluvial plainin interior south-central South America.
  • It is bounded on the west by the Andes mountain ranges and on the east by the Paraguay and Paraná rivers.
  • Physiography: It is a vast geosyncline basin formed by subsidence (or down warping) of the area between the Andean cordilleras on the west and the Brazilian Highlands on the east as it filled with alluvial debris from these two features.
  • Climate: It is subject to climates that vary from tropical in the north to warm-temperate in the south.
  • The Grana Chaco is a large expanse of forest and dusty plains straddling parts of Bolivia, Argentina, and Paraguay.

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