A rare sighting of the Sarus Crane (Grus antigone) has been recently reported in the Saikhowa region of Tinsukia, Assam, attracting numerous bird lovers and wildlife enthusiasts.
About Sarus Crane:
It is the tallest flying bird in the world.
Scientific name: Grus antigone
They live in Southeast Asia, northern India, and northern Australia.
In India, most sarus cranes are widely distributed along the Gangetic plain and in eastern Rajasthan in the northern states of India. Population densities decrease going to the south.
This species is not known to be migratory.
Habitat: They live mainly in wetlands such as canals, marshes, and ponds, sometimes near humans.
They are the tallest of flying birds, standing at 152-156 cm tall.
They can have a wingspan of 2.5 m and can weigh anywhere from 5 to 12 kg.
They have a predominantly grey plumage with a red head and upper neck and pale red legs.
The very top of the head has a white patch as well as a small white spot behind the eye
They are regarded as the least social crane species, found mostly in pairs or small groups of three or four.
They are monogamous birds and pairs mate for life.
Nests are constructed on water in natural wetlands or in flooded paddy fields.
Lifespan: It has been estimated that cranes in general can live 30 to 40 years, though some species of cranes have been recorded to live up to 80 years.
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