Kerala bagged the top spot on the School Education Quality Index (SEQI) released by Niti Aayog.
Bodies involved: SEQI has been developed by NITI Aayog through a collaborative process, including key stakeholders such as Ministry of Human Resource and Development (MHRD) and World Bank.
Objective: The index aims to evaluate the performance of States and UTs in the school education sector.
Methodology: The index consists of 30 critical indicators that assess the delivery of quality education. These indicators are categorized as below:
Category 1: Outcomes (Domain 1: Learning outcomes; Domain 2: Access outcomes; Domain 3: Infrastructure and facilities for outcomes and Domain 4: Equity outcomes).
Category 2: Governance processes aiding outcomes
The data for the index was collected for three categories: large states, small states and Union Territories (UTs).
Among the large States, Kerala bagged the top spot with 76.6 per cent and while Uttar Pradesh with 36.4 per cent scored the lowest for 2016-17. Rajasthan bagged the second position with 72 per cent, followed by Karnataka with 70 per cent.
Among the small States, Manipur (68.8 per cent) emerged as the top performer while Arunachal Pradesh (24.6 per cent) came last in the category.
Among Union Territories, Chandigarh (82.9 per cent) stood at the top position while Lakshadweep ranked lowest (31.9 per cent).
Haryana, Meghalaya, Daman & Diu showed most improvement.
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