March 30, 2020

During the coronavirus outbreak, penal provisions, such as Sections 269 and 270 of the IPC, are being invoked to enforce the lockdown orders in various states. Sections 269 and 270 have been used to book persons defying quarantine orders for containing the spread of the pandemic.


  • Sections 269 and 270 of the IPC come under Chapter XIV of the Indian Penal Code– ‘Of Offences Affecting The Public Health, Safety, Convenience, Decency and Morals’.

  • Sections 269 (negligent act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life) provides for a jail term of six months and/or fine.

  • Section 270 (malignant act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life) provides for a jail term of two years and/or fine. In Section 270, the word ‘malignantly’ indicates indicates a deliberate intention on the part of the accused.

  • Both Sections have been used for over a century to punish those disobeying orders issued for containing epidemics. 

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