Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir have signed an agreement on the Shahpur Kandi project.
Located in Pathankot district, Punjab, the project will be constructed on the canal from Shahpurkandi Barrage to Madhopur headworks, downstream of the existing Ranjit Sagar Dam.
The water released by Ranjit Sagar Dam shall be utilised for generating power from this project.
Shahpur Kandi project would be completed in three years and would generate 207 MW power and irrigate 95,000 acres of land farmers.
Background: The genesis of the project can be traced to a 1979 agreement between Punjab and J&K governments for the Ranjit Sagar (Thein) Dam.
Agencies involved: While the project will be implemented by Punjab, a tripartite team headed by a Member, Central Water Commission (CWC), and comprising the Chief Engineers of the two states, will monitor it.
Shahpur Kandi would allow India to utilise fully the water of the Ravi as per the Indus Waters Treaty with Pakistan.
For Punjab: It will provide a balancing reservoir to enable the upstream Ranjit Sagar Dam project to act as a peaking station, besides having its own generation capacity of 206 MW and irrigating 37,173 hectares of cultivable command area in Punjab and J&K.
For J&K: J&K will get 20% of the power generated through the project at Rs 3.40 per unit with prospective effect.
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