About India’s Arms Imports:
- India remained the world’s largest arms importer for the five-year period between 2018-22.
- India accounted for an 11 percent share of total global arms imports in 2018–22.
- Russia accounted for 45% is India’s imports, followed by France (29%) and the US (11%).
- Russia was the largest supplier of arms to India in both 2013–17 and 2018–22, but its share of total Indian arms imports fell from 64% to 45%.
- India has seen an 11 percent drop in its arms import between 2013-17 and 2018-22.
- India was the biggest arms export market to three countries — Russia, France, and Israel and the second largest export market to South Korea.
Highlights of the SIPRI Report:
- The US was the world’s topmost military exporter in the past five years, accounting for 40% of global exports, followed by Russia (16%), France (11%), China (5.2%), and Germany (4.2%).
- United States' share of global arms exports increased from 33 to 40 percent, while Russia's fell from 22 to 16 percent between 2013-17 and 2018-22.
- France’s arms exports jumped 44% between 2013-17 and 2018-22, with India receiving 30% of its exports during the past five years.