The Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to Haryana, unveiled a statue of Deenbandhu Sir Chhotu Ram.
Sir Chhotu Ram (1881 – 1945) was a prominent politician in British India's Punjab Province.
He was a co-founder of the National Unionist Party which ruled the United Punjab Province in pre-Independent India and kept Congress and Muslim League at bay.
He belonged to the peasants of Jat community and championed the interest of oppressed peasants in pre-Independent India. For his efforts, he was knighted in 1937.
In 1944, he as the then Punjab Revenue Minister, signed the agreement for the Bhakra-Nangal multipurpose dam project with the Raja of Bilaspur.
He was popularly known as Deen Bandhu (which translates as messiah of the poor).
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