Dec. 30, 2018

India submitted its Sixth National Report (NR6) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).


  • Submission of national reports is a mandatory obligation on Parties to international treaties, including CBD. Parties are required to submit their NR6 by 31 December 2018.

  • The NR6 provides an update of progress in achievement of 12 National Biodiversity Targets (NBT) developed under the Convention process in line with the 20 global Aichi biodiversity targets.

Key findings of the Report:

  • India has exceeded/overachieved two NBTs (6 and 9), is on track to achieve eight NBTs and is striving to meet the targets on the remaining two NBTs by 2020.

  • With well over 20 % of its total geographical area under biodiversity conservation, India has exceeded the terrestrial component of 17 % of Aichi target 11, and 20 % of corresponding NBT relating to areas under biodiversity management.

  • Similarly, India has also made noteworthy achievement towards NBT relating to access and benefit sharing (ABS) by operationalising the Nagoya Protocol on ABS.

  • Having published the first internationally recognized certificate of compliance (IRCC) under the Protocol in 2015, India has since published nearly 75% of the IRCCs published so far on ABS Clearing House.

Source : PIB