Oct. 19, 2019

Union home minister Amit Shah inaugurated a two-day international seminar on the role of Gupta dynasty emperor Skandagupta at Banaras Hindu University in Varanasi.


  • Skandagupta was a Gupta Emperor of northern India. Skandagupta was a son of the Gupta emperor Kumaragupta I.

  • He ascended the throne in 455 AD and ruled till 467 AD.

  • By defeating Pushyamitras during his initial years of ascendancy, Skandagupta proved his ability to rule and took upon himself the title of Vikramaditya.

  • During the 12 year rule, he not only defended the great culture of India but also from external aggression and defeated the Huns, who had invaded India from the north west.

  • He is generally considered the last of the great Gupta Emperors.

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