Aug. 27, 2019

According to the IMF’s “Annual Observance Report of the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) for 2018”, India failed to comply with multiple requirements prescribed in the SDDS — a practice mandatory for all IMF members.


  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF) launched the SDDS initiative in 1996 to guide members to enhance data transparency and help financial market participants with adequate information to assess the economic situations of individual countries.

  • India subscribed to the SDDS in 1996.

  • The yearly observance report for each member country lists the compliances and deviations from the SDDS under each data category for that year. The report lists three types of deviations from the SDDS.
    • The first deals with delays in data dissemination.

    • The second occurs when member countries do not list a data category in their Advance Release Calendars (ARC) despite the category being mandated by the SDDS.

    • The third deviation occurs when data is not disseminated at all for a particular period.

Source : The Hindu