STARFIRE Algorithm

July 26, 2023

Recently, scientists at Raman Research Institute (RRI), an autonomous institute of the Department of Science and Technology, have developed an algorithm called STARFIRE.

About STARFIRE Algorithm:

  • It is called as the Simulation of TerrestriAl Radio Frequency Interference in oRbits around Earth (STARFIRE) algorithm.
  • Advantages of this model
    • It can estimate the Radio Frequency Interference emitted by FM radio stations, Wi-Fi networks, mobile towers, radar, satellites, and communication devices, and use this calculation for designing and fine-tuning the antennas.
    • It is capable of estimating and mapping the unwanted Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) signals in space.
    • It can help design instruments that are capable of offering optimal operations in the presence of RFI and thereby, enriches the data obtained from the future space-based Astronomy missions.
    • This algorithm can also be handy in orbit selection for future missions.
  • The scientists used information on the FM transmitter stations from six countries in the world. Data from Canada (number of stations - 8,443), USA (28,072), Japan (Tokyo - 21), Australia (2,664), Germany (2,500), and South Africa (1,731) were used as inputs for developing this model.

What is Radio Frequency Interference?

  • It is the conduction or radiation of radio frequency energy that causes an electronic or electrical device to produce noise that typically interferes with the function of an adjacent device.
  • It also refers to the disruption of the normal functionality of a satellite due to the interference of radio astronomy.
  • This interference can disrupt and disturb the normal functioning of electronic and electrical devices, and thus it is important to limit it when possible.

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