The State of India’s Environment, 2020 report was released by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), a research and advocacy organisation. CSE also publishes the environment magazine Down to Earth.
Key findings:
19 major extreme weather events claimed 1,357 lives last year.
Internal displacement:
There were more than 50 lakh internal displacements in India in 2019, the highest in the world. India had one in five of all internal displacements caused by disasters across the world in 2019, mostly caused by floods, cyclones and drought.
Flooding caused by the southwest monsoon led to 26 lakh displacements, while Cyclone Fani alone led to 18 lakh displacements, followed by cyclones Vayu and Bulbul. On the other hand, drought conditions in 19 States led to another 63,000 displacements.
Migrants: The report also broke down 2011 census data on migrant populations.
There were over 45 crore migrants in the country at the time, with the vast majority migrating within their own State.
In 2011, over 1.7 crore new migrants had moved for employment purposes, mostly from rural to urban areas.
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