Dec. 26, 2021

In the sulfur-infused ponds of Tabasco state in Mexico lives a tiny silver slip of a fish, the sulphur molly.


  • Every few seconds, thousands of these fish will repeat a quick diving motion to generate the wave, sometimes for up to two minutes.

  • The mollies are prey for an array of winged predators, including egrets, kingfishers and kiskadees. When birds dive to attack, the mollies flash and swirl.

  • It seems to be aimed at predators perched on the shore,

  • The sulphur molly (Poecilia sulphuraria), locally known as molly del Teapa, is a critically endangered species of fish in the family Poeciliidae. It is endemic to Mexico, specifically to the Baños del Azufre (Grijalva River basin) near Teapa, Tabasco.

  • The Baños del Azufre are sulfidic springs that contain high concentrations of toxic hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Poecilia sulphuraria has apparently evolved the ability to tolerate the toxic conditions. A few other Poecilia species are known from similar habitats in Mexico.

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