Aug. 7, 2018

Lombok island in Indonesia – part of earthquake prone Sunda Plate – has been struck by a destructive earthquake in which more than 100 people have died.

Sunda Plate:

  • The Sunda Plate is a minor tectonic plate (Earlier, it was considered a part of the Eurasian Plate, but scientists have confirmed it to be an independent plate).

  • Location: On Sunda plate, the majority of Southeast Asia is located. The plate includes South China Sea, Andaman Sea, parts of Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines.

  • Neighboring plates:
    • It is surrounded by convergent boundaries namely the Philippine Sea Plate to the East, and the Indo-Australian Plate to the South, which are subducting below it.

    • Its northern boundary is characterised by its slow collision with the Eurasian Plate.

Sunda Arc:

  • The Sunda Arc is the area along the Sunda plate below which the Indo-Australian plate is being subducted.

  • It extends from the Sumatra Island of Indonesia to Papua/New Guinea.

  • The arc is characterized by a high degree of volcanic and seismic activity.

Source : The Hindu