Feb. 4, 2019

The Kerala State Agriculture Department is earmarking farm space in more districts for growing superfoods such as nutrient-rich millets and Chia, a Central American plant, which is gaining popularity in India as yet another superfood.


  • Superfoods are foods thought to be nutritionally dense and thus good for one's health. They have extra-large doses of vitamins and minerals that can help us ward off diseases and live a longer, healthier life. 

  • Examples: Superfoods are mostly plant-based but also some fish and dairy. Blueberries, Kiwifruit, Beans and whole grains, Salmon are few examples. 

  • Criteria: There are no set criteria for determining what is and what is not a superfood, according to the American Heart Association. 

  • Criticism of the term: 
    • Scientists do not use the term. According to them, 'superfood' is more of a marketing term for foods that have health benefits. 

    • In 2007, the marketing of products as superfoods was prohibited in the European Union unless accompanied by a specific authorized health claim supported by credible scientific research. 

Source : The Hindu

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