Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn shared the first look of his upcoming period drama film, Tanhaji: The unsung warrior. It is being said that the film is based on Subedar Taanaji Malusare, a Maratha military leader and a close aide of Chhatrapati Shivaji.
Taanaji Malusare was a Maratha military leader and a close aide of Chhatrapati Shivaji. Taanaji is popularly remembered for the Battle of Singhagad that took place in the year 1670.
In the year 1665, the Treaty of Purandar was signed between Jai Singh and Shivaji, which required the Maratha ruler to give up Fort Kandhana (later named Singhagad) to the Mughals.
Later, Shivaji entrusted Taanaji the task of reconquering the fort Kondhana at any cost. In the battle, Taanaji fought against Udaybhan Rathore, a formidable Rajput warrior, who was put in charge of Fort Kandhana by Jai Singh.
According to legend, Shivaji, upon hearing the news of Tanaji’s demise during the battle, said Gad ala pan Sinha gela (Although the fort was captured, a lion was lost). The fort was renamed as Singhagad (lion’s fort) by Shivaji to honour Tanaji.
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