Scientists in the US and Australia have embarked on a $15-million project to resurrect the thylacine or Tasmanian Tiger, a marsupial that went extinct in the 1930s, using gene-editing technology.
The ambitious project aims to reintroduce the animal to its native place Tasmania to revive the region’s lost ecological balance.
Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacinus cynocephalus), the only animal in the Thylacinidae family to survive in modern times, was a marsupial mammal that raises young ones in a pouch.
Even though the species earned its nickname Tasmanian Tiger because of the stripes along its back, it was a slow-paced carnivorous that usually hunted alone or in pairs at night.
The sharply clawed animal had a dog-like head and ate kangaroos, other marsupials, small rodents, and birds.
Once widespread in the grass and woodlands of continental Australia extending north to New Guinea and south to Tasmania, the animal’s fate changed after the European Colonisation of Australia.
The animals were reported to have eaten poultry of farmers, and were killed following official authorisation.
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