March 5, 2019

India will collaborate with Bhutan, Nepal, Indonesia and Malaysia to increase the population of three species of Asian rhinos, including the Greater one-horned rhinoceros found in the Indian sub-continent.


  • The five rhino range nations – India, Bhutan, Nepal, Indonesia and Malaysia – signed a declaration ‘The Declaration on Asian Rhinos 2019’ for the conservation and protection of the species at the Second Asian Rhino Range Countries meeting recently held in New Delhi. 

  • The declaration was signed to conserve and review the population of the Greater one-horned, Javan and Sumatran rhinos every four years to reassess the need for joint actions to secure their future. 

  • The declaration includes - 
    • undertaking studies on health issues of the rhinos, their potential diseases and taking necessary steps; 

    • collaborating and strengthening wildlife forensics and 

    • strengthening of transboundary collaboration among India, Nepal and Bhutan for conservation of the Greater one-horned rhino. 


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