Jan. 5, 2021

To understand if a coastal city is more prone to floods caused by tidal events or extreme rainfall, a team from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay devised a new metric or measure called the Tide–Rainfall Flood Quotient.


  • Using the past rainfall data, tidal data, and topography of the region this framework can be applied to pinpoint the major factor at play.

  • The team selected three geographically diverse flood-prone coastal regions – Mithi Catchment in Mumbai, Maharashtra, Jagatsinghpur District in Odisha, and Greater Chennai Corporation in Tamil Nadu to test their new metric.

  • The new method helped classify these regions into ‘storm-tide dominated’ or ‘pluvial (rainfall) dominated’ regions.

  • The metric can help disaster management experts in framing better flood risk management systems directed towards long term planning.

Source : The Hindu

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