Oct. 30, 2018

Indian Railway Board chairman Ashwani Lohani unveiled the Train 18, the Indian-made trainset to the public. After mandatory safety checks, it will be inducted into the Railways in the coming months.

Train 18

  • The 16-coach, Indian-made trainset was completed at Chennai’s Integral Coach Factory (ICF).

  • Train 18 has world class amenities such as on-board Wi-Fi to GPS-based passenger information system, ‘touch-free’ bio-vacuum toilets, LED lighting, mobile charging points etc.

  • It doesn’t have a locomotive to pull the coaches, rather it is a self-propelled, semi-high-speed trainset that will soon replace the box cars of the inter-city Shatabdis. It can reach a maximum speed of 160 km per hour.

  • About 80% of the design, technology and manufacture of Train 18, a predecessor to ‘Train 20’, is Indian.

Source : The Hindu

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