Sept. 20, 2018

Union Cabinet has approved the extension of timeline for implementation of Umeed for Jammu & Kashmir for another period of one year during 2018-19.


  • Umeed is a Special programme for Jammu & Kashmir, implemented under Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM).

  • It is Implemented by the Jammu & Kashmir State Rural Livelihoods Society.

  • Union cabinet has recently also decided that Funds to J&K under DAY – NRLM will be provided without linking it with poverty ratio.

  • Impact: This will help in covering all the vulnerable rural households in the State (estimated at two thirds of the total number of households) within a definite time frame.

  • It was launched in J&K in 2013 to encourage rural women to make small savings so that their Self-Help Groups (SHGs) to eventually become bankable at reduced rate of interest.

Source : PIB

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