Aug. 10, 2021

When Kwek Yu Xuan was born at Singapore’s National University Hospital in June 2020, her weight was about 212 grams. At the time of birth, Xuan was 24 cm long, which is the length of two six-inch rulers. However, 13 months later, she has been discharged from the hospital and weighs about 6.3 kg now.


  • The unique thing about 10 of the world’s tiniest surviving babies is that all of them were born before the average gestation period of 40 weeks.

  • Babies that are born before 37 weeks of gestation are known as preterm or premature babies.

  • Broadly, the earlier a baby is born from the average gestation period of 40 weeks, the greater are the risks of death or developing serious disability.

  • In 2018 for instance, preterm and low birth weight accounted for about 17 per cent of infant deaths. Even the babies which do survive are prone to suffering from breathing issues, digestive problems and bleeding problems.