UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation

Dec. 23, 2023

Recently, three heritage projects from Punjab and Haryana have secured prestigious spots among the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation 2023.

About the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation:

  • UNESCO seeks to encourage private sector involvement and public-private collaboration in conserving the region’s cultural heritage for the benefit of current and future generations.
  • Since 2000, UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation have been recognizing the achievement of the private sector and public-private initiatives in successfully conserving or restoring structures, places and properties of heritage value in the region.
  • Among the recognised sites, five are from China, six from India, and one from Nepal.
  • Award winning sites from India are as follows
    • The Rambagh Gate in Amritsar received the “Award of Excellence,” the highest recognition among all categories.
    • Pipal Haveli, a heritage rural homestay from Punjab was honoured for its sustainable development.
    • The Karnikara Mandapam at Kunnamangalam Bhagawati Temple in Kerala earned the Award of Distinction.
    • Epiphany in Haryana, David Sassoon Library and Reading Room in Mumbai and Bikaner House in New Delhi received the Award of Merit.

Rambagh Gate & Ramparts

  • The Rambagh Gate is a three-storied structure.
  • The restoration involved using traditional building techniques and locally sourced materials like the characteristic Nanak Shahi bricks set in lime mortar.

Pipal Haveli, Gurdaspur

  • It emphasises ecological and traditional building methods, utilising locally sourced materials and vernacular architectural language.
  • It supports women’s empowerment through initiatives like the BaRi Collective, offering programmes that strengthen women’s livelihoods via environmentally conscious craft practices.