Unlocking NATional Energy Efficiency potential (UNNATEE)
March 9, 2019
Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) has developed a national strategy document titled UNNATEE for accelerating energy efficiency in India.
Full name: National Energy Efficiency Strategy Plan 2031 – UNNATEE (Unlocking NATional Energy Efficiency potential).
It describes the implementation strategy to establish a clear linkage between energy supply-demand scenarios and energy efficiency opportunities.
It offers a comprehensive roadmap to address India’s environmental and climate change mitigation action through energy efficiency measures.
It clearly delineates the energy efficiency targets for the respective demand sectors upto the state levels.
Bodies involved: PwC India has assisted Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in executing this assignment. This document has been prepared after extensive discussion with various departments, organisations and authorities.
Way ahead: The document has now been released for larger public consultation and seeking comments/ valuable inputs from all the stakeholders.
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