Aug. 18, 2018

UN human rights committee in Geneva has criticized China over reports that it is holding up Uyghurs, in camps under cover of a massive anti-terrorism drive.


  • The Uyghurs are a Turkic ethnic group who live in East and Central Asia.

  • They live primarily in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China, where they are one of 55 officially recognized ethnic minorities.

  • Uyghurs primarily practice Islam.

Recent Controversy: Report by The Economist

  • According to a recent report by The Economist, Uyghurs in Xinjiang suffer under a “fully-fledged police state” with extensive controls and restrictions upon their religious, cultural and social life.

  • At least 120,000 Uyghurs are detained in mass detention camps, which aims at changing the political thinking, identities and religious beliefs of detainees.

  • China’s response:
    • China has called the reports “completely untrue”, saying that they are “education and training centres”.

    • It also pointed to a series of attacks in Xinjiang by suspected Islamist radicals in recent years as justification for a clampdown in a region.

Source : The Hindu