Vajra mushti kalaga

Oct. 26, 2023

Vajra mushti kalaga, a martial art form, has gone extinct and takes place only during Dasara

About Vajra Mushti Kalaga:

  • It is a unique Indian martial art that incorporates various techniques of hand-to-hand combat like grappling, wrestling, and striking.
  • Vajra Mushti, which literally means Thunderbolt Fist, is characterised by the utilization of a knuckleduster, a small metal weapon.
  • The knuckleduster, also known as Vajra Mushti, is usually made of animal horns and worn on the knuckles of the fighter.
  • The main objective of this Indian martial art form is to neutralise the opponent and counter his weapon.
  • It is a form of wrestling different from conventional grappling and entails two jettys taking a swipe at each other’s heads with a knuckleduster.
  • Whoever draws the blood from the opponent’s head first is declared the winner.
  • This form of wrestling was popular during the period of the Vijayanagar rulers, who reigned between the 14th and the 17th centuries.
  • The fight is real, and the jetty’s make all efforts to draw blood from the opponent’s head, and a referee intervenes upon noticing the first drop.
  • Mediaeval travellers from Portugal noticed this form of wrestling during the Navaratri celebrations in Vijayanagar empire and have left detailed accounts of it.

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