March 1, 2020

The World Health Organization has increased the assessment of the risk of spread and risk of the impact of the coronavirus from “high” to “very high” at the global level.


  • WHO has prepared a manual to guide the rapid risk assessment of acute public health risks.

  • Within this manual, the WHO characterises risk of spread and impact of a disease on a scale that ranges from “low risk” to “very high” level of risk.

It defines the different characterisations of risk as follows:

  • Low Risk: “Managed according to standard response protocols, routine control programmes and regulation (e.g. monitoring through routine surveillance systems)”.

  • Moderate Risk: “Roles and responsibility for the response must be specified. Specific monitoring or control measures required (e.g. enhanced surveillance, additional vaccination campaigns)”.

  • High Risk: “Senior management attention needed: there may be a need to establish command and control structures; a range of additional control measures will be required some of which may have significant consequences”.

  • Very High Risk: “Immediate response required even if the event is reported out of normal working hours. Immediate senior management attention needed; the implementation of control measures with serious consequences is highly likely”.

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