May 2, 2021

Kyrgyzstan said at least 31 people have been killed in heavy clashes at its disputed border with Tajikistan, as officials from the two ex-Soviet countries met in a bid to defuse tensions.


  • More than a third of the two impoverished, mountainous countries’ border is disputed, with the area surrounding the Vorukh, where recent conflict erupted, a regular flashpoint over territorial claims and access to water.

  • Vorukh is a jamoat in northern Tajikistan. It is an exclave surrounded by Kyrgyzstan that forms part of the city of Isfara in Sughd Region.

  • The location of the border of the enclave is disputed by the Tajik and Kyrgyz governments.

  • In April and May 2021 the region once again brought tensions betrween the two countries - at least 31 people were killed in an ongoing fighting.

Source : The Hindu

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