There has been a gradual increase in the population of Western Tragopan at Himachal Pradesh’s Sarahan pheasantry, the conservation breeding centre, bringing a glimmer of hope for its survival and growth.
About Western Tragopan:
It is also known as the western horned tragopan, is amongst the rarest of all living pheasants.
Due to its beautiful plumage and large size, this bird is locally known as ‘jujurana’ or ‘king of birds’.
It is the state bird of Himachal Pradesh.
Distribution: It is endemic to the northwest Himalaya, within a narrow range from Hazara in north Pakistan through Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh, to the western part of Garhwal.
The upper part of Great Himalayan National Park’s (GHNP) forest zone holds the world’s largest known population of western tragopan.
It prefers a habitat of ringal (dwarf) bamboo beneath dense forest.
Diet: It feeds mostly on leaves, shoots and seeds, but also consumes insects and other invertebrates.
Threats: Habitat loss, hunting pressure and anthropogenic disturbances which includes livestock grazing, minor forest produce collection like medicinal herbs etc.
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