What are Nightjars?

July 4, 2024

A team of scientists recently described a new species of nightjar, named Caprimulgus ritae, living in the tropical forests Timor and Wetar, Lesser Sunda Islands.

About Nightjars:

  • They are medium-sized nocturnal insectivorous birds in the family Caprimulgidae and the order Caprimulgiformes.
  • These birds are found all around the world, with the exception of Antarctica and certain island groups, such as the Seychelles.
  • Features:
    • They are characterized by long wings, short legs, and very short bills.
    • They feed on flying insects that they catch on the wing at night.
    • Their grey-brown, mottled, streaked, and stripey plumage provides ideal camouflage in the daytime. 
    • During the day, they sleep on the ground or perched, usually lengthwise, on a branch.
    • They are among the most difficult bird species to study due to their unobtrusive and nocturnal behavior and cryptic plumage.

Key Facts about Lesser Sunda Islands:

  • The Lesser Sunda Islands are an archipelago in maritime Southeast Asia.
  • It is located to the immediate east of Java and to the north of Western Australia. 
  • Major islands in the group include Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Flores, Sumba, and Timor
  • Together with the Greater Sunda Islands to the west, they make up the Sunda Islands. 
  • The islands are part of a volcanic arc, the Sunda Arc, formed by subduction along the Sunda Trench in the Java Sea.