A pregnant megamouth shark, a rare and elusive deepwater species, was recently discovered washed up on a beach in the Philippines.
About Megamouth Shark:
It is an extremely rare and unusual species of deep-water shark.
Scientific Name: Megachasma pelagios.
Their range is believed to span the region between latitudes 40°N and 40°S.
These sharks inhabit the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans.
Habitat: They are found in deep, warm oceanic water.
This species has only been observed in the wild a few times, and less than 60 individualsare known by scientists to have ever been captured or observed.
It is a large species, reaching weights of 2700 pounds (1215 kg).
They are typically 425-515 cm long. Females are larger than males.
They are easily recognised by their huge, soft head and large mouth, which is positioned at the anterior margin of the head.
The colour varies from grey to blueish-black above and is pale grey below.
They have a series of small, hooked teeth along their top and bottom jaws.
They are filter feeders, and they swim with their mouths constantly wide open in order to filter out their preferred planktonic prey.
The inside of their mouths is covered with light-producing organs that may be used to attract pelagic crustaceans and other potential prey.
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