In an unusual occurrence, five bar-tailed godwits were spotted by a naturalist at Pulicat lake recently.
About Bar-Tailed Godwit:
It is a migratory shorebird renowned for its extraordinary endurance during migration.
Scientific Name: Limosa lapponica
The bar-tailed godwit species is distributed in northern Europe and Asia, western Alaska, Africa, the Persian Gulf, India, southeast Asia, China and Australia.
These godwit species breed in the Arctic region.
In India, wintering bar-tailed godwit species are distributed in the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal, Tripura, and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Bar-tailed Godwits are the world record holders for non-stop flight. They have been recorded travelling 13,500 km from Alaska to Tasmania in only 11 days flying at an average of more than 50 km/h, losing almost half of their body weight along the way.
They are quite large waders, with females being bigger than males.
It is mainly mottled brown above and lighter and more uniform buff below.
It has dull white underwings and a long, slightly upturned bill.
As the name suggests, the white tail is barred with brown.
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