What is Chamran-1 Research Satellite?

Sept. 15, 2024

Iran has successfully launched its research satellite, Chamran-1, into space recently.

About Chamran-1 Research Satellite:

  • It is an Iranian research satellite designed and manufactured by Iranian engineers at Iran Electronics Industries (SAIran), a defense ministry subsidiary, in collaboration with the Aerospace Research Institute and several private firms.
  • It was put into orbit at an altitude of 550 kilometers (341 miles) above the Earth’s surface onboard a homegrown Ghaem-100 Space Launch Vehicle (SLV).
    • The Ghaem-100 rocket, which carried the latest satellite, is manufactured by the Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
    • It is Iran’s first three-stage solid-fuel satellite launcher.
  • Weighing approximately 60 kilograms, the primary mission of the Chamran-1 is to test hardware and software systems for orbital maneuver technology validation.
  • The satellite also has secondary tasks, including assessing the performance of cold gas propulsion subsystems in space systems, and performance evaluation of navigation and attitude control subsystems.