What is Common Grass Yellow?

July 5, 2024

For the first time, a large-scale migration of Common Grass Yellow was observed during the three-day butterfly survey which concluded at the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR) recently.

About Common Grass Yellow:

  • It is a small, charming butterfly species that can be found across Asia, North America, Africa, and Australia.
  • Scientific Name: Eurema hecabe
  • Habitat: They like to fly quickly, close to the ground, and are found in open grassy or bushy terrain, hence their name. 
  • Features:
    • They have vibrant yellow wings that can range from a sultry sulfur shade to a lush lemon yellow, shifting with the seasons and their location. This is known as 'seasonal polyphenism'.
    • There is a black, broad, irregular outer marking on the forewing. The underside of the wing has various black marks with a yellow centre
    • They are often seen in large groups, and the females usually fly about by themselves to find nectar from a wide variety of plants.
    • They are migratory in behaviour and are found migrating in large numbers across the entire Africa, throughout most of Asia south of the Himalayas. 
  • Conservation Status:
    • IUCN Red List: Least Concern
    • This species is not legally protected in India under any schedules of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.