What is Hijol?

May 3, 2023

A new study notes that the suitable habitat for hijol to grow in the India-Bangladesh landscape may shrink by 50.5% due to rainfall and temperature changes.

About Hijol:

  • Hijol, or Indian oak, is a medium-sized evergreen tree.
  • Scientific Name: Barringtonia acutangula
  • Common namesHijal, Hijangal, Hendol, Stream Barringtonia, Itchy Tree.
  • Distribution:
    • It is native to coastal wetlands in southern Asia and northern Australasia.
    • This species grows on the banks of freshwater rivers, the edges of freshwater swamps and lagoons and on seasonally flooded lowland plains, commonly on heavy soils. 
    • It is commonly found in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna basin.
  • Features:
    • This plant is a big tree that grows to about 8–15 m high. 
    • Its leaves are thick, smooth and oval in shape, about 8–12 cm long and 4–5 cm wide, with reddish petioles about 0.5–1.0 cm long.
    • Flowers are small, pink to red, sub-sessile, and purple-red with numerous stamens.
  • Medicinal uses:
    • Its bark has tannin, which is useful for heart diseases
    • Powder of seeds works as an expectorant and is applied to cure the cough of children.
    • Tonic is prepared from leaves and roots. Fish poison is also prepared from its roots.