What is meant by Alderman?

July 30, 2024

The Supreme Court recently said it will soon pronounce its verdict on a plea of the Delhi government challenging the lieutenant governor's power to nominate aldermen to the Municipal Corporation of Delhi.

About Alderman:

  • It is a term that originated from the combination of "old" and "man," indicating an older or experienced person.
  • Initially, it referred to elders of a clan or tribe but later evolved to denote the king's viceroys, regardless of age.
  • Eventually, it took on a more specific meaning as the "chief magistrate of a county" with both civil and military responsibilities.
  • By the 12th century CE, it began to be associated with municipal governments and used to describe officers of municipal bodies. This usage of the term continues to the present day.
  • Alderman in India:
    • In India, a General Body of a Municipality or Municipal Corporation is composed of elected representatives called Councillors.
    • Councillors can nominate experts in their disciplines of the city to become members of this body. These nominated members are called ‘Aldermen’. 
    • They cannot, however, cast votes in the mayoral election. 
    • As ward committee members, they have the right to assist the house in taking decisions of public importance.
  • Case of Delhi:
    • As per the Delhi Municipal Corporation Act of 1957, the Lieutenant Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi has the authority to nominate ten individuals who are above the age of 25 to the corporation.
    • These individuals are believed to have specialised expertise or experience in municipal administration.

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