What is Mesechinus orientalis?

Dec. 9, 2023

Scientists recently identified a new species of hedgehog, Mesechinus orientalis, living in the scrubland and subtropical forests of eastern China.

About Mesechinus orientalis:

  • It is a new species of Hedgehog.
  • It is currently known from southern Anhui and northwestern Zhejiang, both in eastern China.  
  • It is currently the southeasternmost species of Mesechinus (Mesechinus is a small genus of mammals in the hedgehog family).
  • Habitat: It can be found in scrubland and subtropical broad-leaf evergreen forests at elevations from 30 to 700 m.
  • Features:
    • It is a small-bodied hedgehog.
    • It has the shortest spines in the genus (1.8-2 cm). 
    • There are four colour rings on the spine, from the base to the tip.
    • The nose is brown, with black whiskers on the snout; these whiskers shorten towards the nose.
    • The ears are small and nearly the same length as the surrounding spines.
    • It appears to be sexually dimorphic. The pelage of males is generally gray, while that of most of the females is reddish brown.

Key Facts about Hedgehog:

  • Hedgehogs are a distinctive group of spiney insectivorous mammals comprising the subfamily Erinaceinae of the Erinaceidae family.
  • They are found across Eurasia and Africa but absent from Australia and the Americas.
  • Their most notable features are their spines, which are enlarged hollow hairs, and ability to roll into a ball when frightened, presenting only these spines to the outside world. 

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