What is Senna spectabilis?

July 3, 2024

Environmental organisations recently urged the Forest Department to maintain transparency in a project to extract Senna spectabilis from the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary.

About Senna spectabilis:

  • It is a species of the legume family.
  • It is a medium to big tree native to South and Central America and is grown as an ornamental plant as it has bright yellow flowers. 
  • It is a fast-growing species, particularly on deep soils and is fire- and termite-resistant and tolerant of strongly acidic soils
  • It is often planted for fuelwood, as an ornamental, and as a shade tree in agroforestry situations.
  • It is classified as an Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in India.
  • It is considered an environmental weed by the Global Compendium of Weeds. 
  • In India, it was introduced as shade trees for coffee and firewood; it soon became a threat to native tree species as its dense foliage prevented the growth of other indigenous trees and grass species.
  • It is classified as Least Concern under the IUCN Red List.

Key Facts about Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • Location: It is located in Wayanad, Kerala, in the southern trenches of the Western Ghats.
  • It is an integral part of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • It is bordered bythe protected areas of Nagarhole and Bandipur in Karnataka on the northeastern side and Mudumalai in Tamil Nadu on the southeastern side.
  • Tribesliving in these forests include some scheduled adivasis, such as Paniyas, Kattunaikkans, Kurumas, Ooralis, Adiyans, and Kurichiyas.
  • Flora:
    • It is a mosaic of the Western Ghats' significant vegetation types, ranging from moist deciduous to dry deciduousand semi-evergreen patches.
    • Teak, rosewood, eucalyptus, and silver oakplantations cover roughly one-third of the sanctuary.
    • Marshy landsalso mark their presence in the sanctuary.
  • Fauna:
    • It is also home to animals like elephants, panthers, tigers, jungle cats, civet cats, monkeys, wild dogs, bisons, deer and bears.
    • It is known for having the largest population of tigers in Kerala.