What is Siddha Medicine?

Sept. 15, 2024

A combination of 'Siddha' drugs can reduce anaemia among adolescent girls, according to a recent study.

About Siddha Medicine:

  • It is a traditional system of healing that originated in South Indiaand is considered to be one of India’s oldest systems of medicine. 
  • Literary evidences of the Sangam Era state the origin of this system to around 10,000 BC.
  • The Siddha system was built on the work of Siddhars, who were mostly from Tamil Nadu.
  • Siddhars were spiritual masters who had the eight special abilities called siddhis. Some of the 18 Siddhars were Nandi, Agasthyar, Agappai, Pumbatti, etc.
  • The Siddha medical system is thought to have been started by Agastyar, who is also known as Agasthya.
  • Siddhars in rural India have traditionally learned their craft from elders in their communities.
  • The Siddha system is based on a combination of ancient medicinal practices and spiritual disciplines, as well as alchemy and mysticism.
  • The Siddha medicinal system not only focuses on treating the disease, but it also takes into account the patient’s behaviour, environmental aspects, age, habits, and physical condition. 
  • It is based on principles of panchamahabhootam (five basic elements), 96 thathuvas (principles), mukkuttram (3 humours), and 6 arusuvai (6 tastes).
    • Soil, fire, water, sky and air are the five elements that Siddha practitioners believe can be found in everything from food to the “humour” of the human body to herbal, animal, and inorganic chemical substance sulphur and mercury.
    • These have therapeutic potential and can be employed in the treatment of many illnesses.