What is Smooth-Coated Otter?

Dec. 13, 2023

The Kawal Tiger Reserve is evolving into a thriving haven for an intriguing aquatic species, the smooth-coated otter, referred to as “Neeti Pilli” in Telugu.

About Smooth-Coated Otter:

  • It is a species of otter, the only extant representative of the genus Lutrogale. 
  • Scientific Name: Lutrogale perspicillata
  • Distribution:
    • They are found throughout much of southern Asia, from India eastward.
    • There is also an isolated population found in the marshes of Iraq.
  • Habitat:
    • They are mostly found in lowlands, coastal mangrove forests, peat swamp forests, freshwater wetlands, large forested rivers, lakes, and rice paddies.
    • Some build permanent burrows near water with an underwater entrance and a tunnel that leads to a chamber above the high-water line.
    • Although adapted for water, smooth-coated otters are equally comfortable on land and can travel long distances overland in search of suitable habitat. 
  • Features:
    • They are the largest otter in Southeast Asia. They weigh 7-11 kg as adults and can be up to 1.3 m long.
    • As its name indicates, the fur of this species is smoother and shorter than that of other otters.
    • The fur is light to dark brown dorsally and light brown to almost Gray ventrally.
    • They have short, tightly packed under fur and longer, water-repellent guard hairs.
    • They are strong swimmers and hunt in groups. When fishing, they travel in a V-formation going upstream.
  • Conservation Status:
    • IUCN Red List: Vulnerable

Key Facts about the Kawal Tiger Reserve:

  • Location:
    • It is located in the north-eastern part of Telangana, with the Godavari River on one side and the Maharashtra border on the other.
    • It forms part of the Deccan peninsula-central highlands.
  • Rivers: The reserve is the catchment for the rivers Godavari and Kadam, which flow towards the south of the sanctuary.
  • Corridor: It has connectivity to the Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve of Maharashtra in the North and to the Indravati Tiger Reserve of Chhattisgarh towards its north-eastern side.
  • Vegetation: Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest.
  • Habitat: It has diverse habitats, comprising dense forests, grasslands, open areas, rivers, streams, and water bodies.
  • Flora:
    • Teak is found extensively, along with Bamboo.
    • As many as 673 plant species have been recorded, and the important ones are Anogeissus latifolia, Mitragyna parviflora, Terminalia crenulata, etc.
  • Fauna:
    • It has a faunal diversity which is typical of the Deccan Plateau.
    • The major wild animals include: nilgai, chousingha, chinkara, black buck, sambar, spotted deer, wild dog, wolf, jackal, fox, tiger, leopard, and the jungle cat.