What is Steel Slag?

July 3, 2024

Recently, the member (Science) of Niti Aayog released the Guidelines for the Utilization and Processing of Steel Slag as Processed Steel Slag Aggregates in Road Construction.

About Steel Slag:

  • Steel slag is an industrial byproduct obtained from the steel manufacturing industry.
  • It is produced in large quantities during steel-making operations that use electric arc furnaces.
  • It can also be produced by smelting iron ore in a basic oxygen furnace.
  • Primarily, slag consists of calcium, magnesium, manganese and aluminium silicates and oxides in various combinations.
  • The cooling process of slag is responsible mainly for generating different types of slags required for various end-use consumers.

Applications of Steel Slag

  • It has found use as a barrier material remedy for waste sites where heavy metals tend to leach into the surrounding environment.
  • Steel slag forces the heavy metals to drop out of solution in water run off because of its high oxide mineral content.
  • It has been used successfully to treat acidic water discharges from abandoned mines.
  • It can replace coarse aggregate due to a higher impact and crushing strength, better anti-skid capacity.