About Agricultural and Processed Foods Export Development Authority (APEDA):
- APEDA was established by the Government of India under the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act of 1985.
- Objective: To develop and promote the export of scheduled products.
- The products specified under the APEDA ACT are called scheduled products, and exporters of such scheduled products are required to register under APEDA.
- It provides financial assistance, information, and guidelines for the development of scheduled products.
- Headquarters: New Delhi
- Functions:
- Setting the standards and specifications for the scheduled products.
- Registration of exporters of the scheduled products on payment of required fees
- Improving packaging and marketing of the Scheduled products
- Carrying out an inspection of products to ensure the quality of such products
- Training in various aspects of the industries connected with the scheduled products
- Development of industries relating to the scheduled products and undertaking surveys, feasibility studies, etc
- Collection of statistics from the owners of factories or establishments and publication of such statistics
- Examples of scheduled products: Fruits, Vegetable, Meat, Poultry Dairy Products, Confectionery, Biscuits, Bakery Products, Honey, Jaggery, etc.
What are Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs)?
- A Producer Organisation (PO) is a legal entity formed by primary producers, viz. farmers, milk producers, fishermen, weavers, rural artisans, and craftsmen.
- A PO provides for sharing of profits/benefits among the members.
- Farmers Producer Organisation (FPO) is one type of PO where the members are farmers.
- Goal: To increase farmers’ advantage in emerging market opportunities and their competitiveness.
- Primary operations: Supply of seed, market linkages and fertilizer, machinery, training, financial, networking, and technical advice.
- The FPOs are open to persons who are willing to accept the responsibilities of membership without social, gender, political, racial, or religious discrimination.
- Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) is providing support for promotion of FPOs.