About Mao Nagas:
- Mao Naga is one of the indigenous tribes of Northeast India.
- It is one of the Naga tribes in Manipur.
- Language: Their language is called Mao, and also the whole land area inhabited by them is also called Mao.
- The Mao Nagas call themselves Ememei or Memei in their language.
- Mao is geographically situated in the northern part of Manipur, adjoining the southern part of Nagaland.
- According to the 2011 provisional census, Mao has a population of 97,195.
- The Mao Nagas live in a compact and well-protected village usually situated in the hilltop and mountain ridges.
- Their society follows a patriarchal system where descent is traced through the male lineage.
- Like any other Naga community, the Mao Naga is divided into different clans (Opfuta), which are further divided into sub-clans.
- Economy:
- The economy of the Mao Nagas is predominantly agrarian, and rice is their staple food.
- Terraced rice cultivation (both dry and wet) is a customary practice that Mao people have been engaged in through generations.
- They emphasized cooperative and collective endeavors and believed in the system of distribution in the form of a barter system or mutual exchange.
- Before the advent of Christianity, the Mao Naga had their traditional religion known as ‘Opfupe Chüna-Chüno’ (religion of the forefather).
- They believe in the existence of a Supreme being called ‘Iyi Koki Chüku Kapi Oramei’ (a benevolent God who protects and nurtures man).
- Today, the majority of the Mao Nagas have embraced Christianity.
Festivals: There are four main festivals celebrated by the Mao Nagas. They are Chüthuni, Chüjüni, Saleni, and Onuni.