Union Science & Technology Minister inaugurated air pollution control device – Wind Augmentation Purifying Unit (WAYU) – for traffic junctions at ITO intersection and Mukarba Chowk in Delhi.
WAYU has been indigenously developed by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI) as a part of Technology Development Project being funded by Department of Science and Technology.
The device works on two principles mainly (i) Wind generation for dilution of air pollutants and (ii) Active Pollutants removal (The device has filters for Particulate Matter removal).
The prototype device has the capacity to purify air in an area of 500-meter square.
By 15th of October, the ministry plans to install 54 more WAYU devices at various traffic intersections across Delhi. Government is also in the process of developing a bigger version of WAYU which can purify air in an area of 10,000-meter square.
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